


Change agents and process engineers commited to help your company aim higher. 

Our Advisors

Highly qualified experts, our mentors and GEM friends, supporting selected projects.

Business Advisors

Companies we often partner with as we share consulting values and professionalism.

Wojtek Sadowski
Wojtek Sadowski
Managing Partner

Transformation, Board Effectiveness, Mobilizing Commitment

Joanna Baczyńska
Joanna Baczyńska
Senior Consultant

product stategy, business models for new enterprises

Jacek Szymański
Jacek Szymański
Senior Consultant

change leadership, sustainable structures of company improvement

Marcin Wróblewski
Marcin Wróblewski
Senior Analyst

project management, data analysis and visualization, process optimization

Angelika Parol - Król
Angelika Parol - Król

project management, PMO, knowledge management, process management

Łukasz Sosnowski
Łukasz Sosnowski
Senior Consultant

struktura, efektywność administracji i procesów wsparcia

Wojtek Sadowski
Wojtek Sadowski
Managing Partner

Transformation, Board Effectiveness, Mobilizing Commitment

„The best is still ahead”




key competences


top achievements

  • reengineering of structures and  successions of management in private companies
  • providing snapshots of processes and designing plans aimed at the increase of productivity for large companies from various industries
  • launching GEM probe to verify potential for improvement then implementing set of optimization initiatives as well as raising goals in state-owned companies   
  • ability to visualize future target state which company should achieve
  • decomposition of  large and complicated change initiatives into smaller steps, easier to achieve
  • ability to identify unexploited potential and structural mistakes 
  • commitment to introduced changes
  • asking right questions (analytic and management)
  • Management and Supervisory Board recruitment and onboarding, implementation of new management rhythm
  • creating favorable environment for employees to achieve higher results - cohesion of Strategy, Goals and Motivational System 
  • designing set of analytic tools which supported management processes
  • significant and sustainable improvement of processes quality


Joanna Baczyńska
Joanna Baczyńska
Senior Consultant

product stategy, business models for new enterprises

30 +



key competences


top achievements

  • restructuring and transformational projects aimed at sales increase or cost reduction
  • interim management aimed at process arrangement and the implementation of roles and responsibilities
  • designing models for product portfolio management
  • designing motivation models
  • determination in achieving customers goals
  • strong ability to analyse situation and provide the best possible solutions for customer
  • successful engagement of customer resources in defining solutions
  • designing and implementing analytic tools which support business decision processes
  • sustainable profitability in recovery as a result of executed restructuring and transformation
  • 11,5% increase in sales as a result of implemented motivation model
  • start-up project: implementation on polish market innovative business model in strong cooperation with Asian partner
Jacek Szymański
Jacek Szymański
Senior Consultant

change leadership, sustainable structures of company improvement

“If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together"




key competences


top achievements

  • supporting Management Board in the implementation of Customer Centricity strategy
  • production, service, sales and enabling processes reengineering together with the implementation of essential tools
  • designing Insurance Claim Resolution and Settlement process (B2B, B2C)
  • strategic support for HR Division during Organizational Culture Change Program
  • strong ability to create comfortable team work atmosphere for people of various personalities
  • commitment to identify challenges, understand causes, resolve problems, design solutions and achievie goals
  • strong ability to adjust suitable tools to actual needs and qualifications
  • strong focus on Customer-Supplier relation
  • implementation of continuous improvement culture in Customer Operational Center
  •  25% productivity increase (~65 000 volume) without additional investments required
  • implementation of optimization changes set (over 166 mln PLN savings within 12 months)
  • preparing Change Leaders for self-reliant execution of business programs


Marcin Wróblewski
Marcin Wróblewski
Senior Analyst

project management, data analysis and visualization, process optimization

"Why should it be simple when complicated works too" 




key competences


top achievements

  • development of management information systems
  • implementation of it solutions - digital repositories, document workflows, banking systems
  • development of tools for managing the display area in order to increase sales
  • development of tools for product portfolio management
  • business process analysis
  • identification of stakeholder needs
  • communication within interdisciplinary teams
  • openness to different opinions - at the same time with strong focus on target goal
  • strong ability to prepare process owners for data based management
  • implementation of core banking system frontends
  • designing set of process dashboards
  • simplification of it architecture, access control, automation of access management processes
  • PMO and project management procedures introduction, increase of projects profitability due to improvements of pricing processes


Angelika Parol - Król
Angelika Parol - Król

project management, PMO, knowledge management, process management

" Motivation is what gets you started. Habit is what keeps you going."





key competences


top achievements

  • setting up PMO and developing essential procedures and tools for project management
  • recruitment processes optimization
  • implementation of knowledge bases 
  • implementation of document management workflows including process optimization
  • process pyramids for finance institutions
  • high organization skills and attention to details
  • ability to build long-term relations with customers
  • simplification of complex processes
  • ability to engage people in driving sustainable results
  • providing successful information exchange between stakeholders
  • implementation of document workflow for 9 000 users (160 000 inquiries, 56 000 invoices annually)
  • implementation of software for complex income calculation processes
  • set up of PMO ready to coordinate 19 projects within restructuring program


Łukasz Sosnowski
Łukasz Sosnowski
Senior Consultant

structure, administration and enabling processes effectiveness

Sprawiam, że sprawy idą do przodu




key competences


top achievements

  • projects focused on the improvement of internal administration effectiveness 
  • defining strategies for sales network and cost and income effectiveness of stores
  • personal advisory for Management Board in decision making processes
  • optimization of working time and organizational structures
  • open communication with customer
  • data based conclusion
  • challenging of offered solutions
  • strong focus on goal achiement
  • road-map for sales network in short and medium term perspective
  • 4,4 mln PLN savings as a result of project  focused on employment structure plan
  • revision of organizational structure and setting up operational rhythm, which supports company's goals


GEM Offer

Culture transformation
Culture transformation
Every step you take leads to something bigger...
Diagnose the Potential
Diagnose the Potential
Quickly probe your organization to discover potential for improvement
Ambitious goals
Ambitious goals
Goals are like magnets. they'll attract the things that make them come true...
Culture transformation

You are aware that your company needs to go ahead, increase productivity, revise costs or income level or even requires restructuring.

If you can notice not only current tasks but also look into the future, we offer you to create it together. Strategic changes, change management and most of all sustainable results are our core competences. From public transport, financial institutions, energy industries, furniture production and sales to construction industries the implementation of organizational culture is our daily business for over 16 years.


Diagnose the Potential

You are aware how essential it is to introduce changes, however scale, scope as well as number of stakeholders seem to be extensive. Very often large but important projects are postponed because of their complexity. If you are afraid to face such challenge alone, let's face it together.

We offer you our Potential Probe - a systematic approach designed especially for such cases. By launching a Potential Probe, we formulate hypothesis, select goals, set priorities and then on the basis of collected samples verify previously formulated hypothesis. Thanks to our approach you will be able to make the right, based on solid grounds decisions, pertaining to planned projects or strategic changes that you are going to implement in the nearest future.  Additionally, we provide a list of Quick-Wins that can be immediately implemented as first wins will all give wings.


Exploration of the Moon began with launching a space probe...

Ambitious goals

You are a conscious leader, carefully observing increasingly complex business environment with strong belief in further opportunities. You are aware that there is always a place for improvement and more effective performance. The truth is that the key success factor is to set goals with actual influence on business reality.  Tens of goals are defined without deep analysis. Leaders as well as employees focus only on getting them done. Their efforts are in vain with neither significant positive change nor expected results achieved. Our mission is to help our customers translate the vision into ambitious goals that will bring high, feasible and expected results.

Personal Advisor
Personal Advisor
Decisions are the hardest thing to make - made on solid grounds are much easier...
Strategic analysis
Strategic analysis
Without data you're just another person with opinion...
Effective management
Effective management
There is no excuse for not being great..
Personal Advisor

You expect more from yourself and know you can perform better? If you would like to discuss next steps with a trusted person we offer you a personal adviser. Confront your ideas and challanges with our experience. Get the advice or opinion of  second person as two heads are better than one.

We provide professional and confidential consultancy. You can decide on your own when and how we can help you. We can either support you with a training session before your importnat business meeting, or confront your ideas during dedicated concept session.


Decisions are the hardest thing to make. Made on solid bases and discussed with experts are always much easier.


Strategic analysis

As a manager you have many questions on where, how much, how many, how long etc. but finding the answers surprisingly takes too much time or even there are no such data available? Without asking others you would like to get that information on the spot to verify the current state on your own whenever you need it? We offer you dedicated analytic support. We don't sale software or any other IT solutions but still  our analysts can solve your problems with data based management. Our individual attitude respects your time and budget. Together we will develop solutions tailored to your actual needs. Thanks to provided dashboards you will feel the comfort of making decisions based on solid grounds. 


"Torture the data and it will confess to anything" Roland Coase Winner of the Nobel Prize in Economics.

Effective management

Functional and tailored organizational structure as well as the regular Executive Board and Top Management work rhythm are the basis for effective organization management. Properly designed organizational structure alongside with the rhythm are the foundation of a decision-making culture, based on facts and data. These are the most powerful barriers against rash and unjustified decisions. Furthermore, they also allow to establish internal improvements processes including setting and implementing the right goals which actually support company's strategy.


Make use of the potential that resides in your company and create your own opportunities with our help.

Transformation of Inquiries and complaints process
Transformation of Inquiries and complaints process

Customer challenge

Total response time essential for customer’s complaint lead to discussion on: quality of sales and service processes, risk of additional operational costs, it architecture that supports above mentioned process, number of complaints and consequently process effectiveness, managing total amount of human resources required for proper process service. Without process attitude and lack of data the company focused only on eliminating the effects of a business problem rather than on the actual causes.


GEM approach

Our consultants were asked to diagnose the current state and provide recommendations including quick, easy to implement changes and process solutions.  The key element was to build and internal process management team, strengthen its expertise (process data analysis, prioritization of optimization initiatives, work progress monitoring, conducting periodic process reviews).

Within a project we delivered following final products: list of planned and initiated optimization initiatives, dashboard designed to support process management, new operational rhythm of process reviews.

As a result over 20 changes were implemented on short notice, process goals were raised and a new 50% productivity increase plan was defined.

Management transformation
Management transformation

Customer challenge

The Owners of a large private company (who are not in the Management Board) lost their confidence in their management team due to systematically deteriorating financial situation and loss of market share. Engaging new employees or hiring external companies did not succeed. Moreover, reliable assessment of current situation as well as planning and implementation of necessary changes was impossible due to significant competence and experience gap.


GEM approach

We began our consultancy with the analysis of competence gap among Management Board direct reports by engaging them in detailed analysis of current state and the definition of key transformation projects. Then we provided temporary competence replacement and set off recruitment processes or provided support for managers in defining and leading transformation projects. In the next step we designed duty transfer and onboarding for new managers. 

Because of the scale of changes GEM senior consultants, analyst and experts key role was to supervise recruitment changes.

First project phase and full operational control gained by new Management and Supervisory Board occurred within 24 months.




Product portfolio optimization
Product portfolio optimization

Customer challenge

Our customer struggled with many problems such as extensive product portfolio and limited place on the expositions. Product portfolio management was focused mainly on introducing new products. Decisions on product withdrawal were very difficult due to no specific criteria that should be taken into consideration.


GEM approach

Our detailed analysis indicated lack of clearly defined roles and responsibilities as well as core competences essential to make decisions either on product implementation or withdrawal. These decisions were made in a very unstructured way, engaging people responsible for different business areas. We designed and engaged our customer in the implementation of numerous solutions.

First of all, our consultants facilitated workshops with the representatives of business functions engaged in product portfolio management process. As a result, we managed to redefine roles and responsibilities as well as specified key processes. Then, basing on conducted market research and analysis of available sales data we focused on structuring product portfolio. Finally, we designed an analytic tool supporting process of making key product decisions.


Implementation of product portfolio management tool
Implementation of product portfolio management tool

Customer challenge

Product portfolio management was based only on the opinions of particular employees and pression from production teams (stocks, resources engaged etc.) regardless of product life phase or current sales results.


GEM approach

After collecting essential data, we made detailed analysis of product life cycle and set phases specific for particular products. Then we compared the current state of products with defined benchmarks and developed additional indicators and measures pertaining to product condition and sales results. It all helped our customer to make further decisions on products future such as product development, further monitoring or withdrawal. Our personalized solution was included in a fully automated tool.


After implementation our customer was able to do regular reviews and analysis of product portfolio within internal resources.


Sales network development strategy
Sales network development strategy

Customer challenge

Existing retail network resulted from single decisions with no common denominator. The company did not have any standards within location, sales floor, profitability of stores, however at the same time was interested in new investments.


GEM approach

We offered our customer a multi-element solution. First of all, it was essential to build internal competences within geolocalisation analysis and economic evaluation of investment projects, then we also had to implement operational rhythm.

Another scope of our support was focused on active analysis, designing geolocalisation model that would indicate the potential of local markets in all polish cities and providing target standards for stores depending on the identified potential of the market.

Finally, we developed a complex strategy for sales network development including plan of new openings within 7 years. 

Our strategic goal set together with our customer was to achieve 22% increase of income from sales with return on investment within 5 years. 


Implementation of document management system
Implementation of document management system

Customer challenge

Manual invoice workflow in a decentralized structure with numerous process wastes identified (e.g. time consuming and incorrect descriptions, delayed payments, incorrect cost accounting).


GEM approach

After detailed analysis of manual document and invoices workflow processes we provided a business case for optimization project. Then together with customer's project team we defined detailed business requirements for future system, identified all processes and drew maps (electronic document workflow, starting with registration and scanning of particular document, through annotation, approval, initial accounting control and transferring to existing accounting system), designed mock-ups presenting expected frontends of tailored system. We supported our customer in finding the external system supplier. Our consultants provided regular coaching for project leader. Designing procedures and supervision over testing process of new system were one of the key success factors.

Implemented system was dedicated for 9 000 users and 160 000 cases per year (including over 56 000 invoices), received either in traditional paper way or via email. Implementation efficiency was appreciated not only by our customer but also by the external supplier. 

Join us

If you want to work in a collaborative environment where opportunities are offered, join us!


Here are our current job openings.


Let's talk about your Company

If you have any questions or would like to get detailed information on our offer, contact us!

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+48 882 111 997

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ul. Noakowskiego 12 lok. 4
00-666 Warszawa

Analysis Center

ul. Haffnera 70 m. 14
81-715 Sopot